96 research outputs found

    Treatment of imprecision in data repositories with the aid of KNOLAP

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    Traditional data repositories introduced for the needs of business processing, typically focus on the storage and querying of crisp domains of data. As a result, current commercial data repositories have no facilities for either storing or querying imprecise/ approximate data. No significant attempt has been made for a generic and applicationindependent representation of value imprecision mainly as a property of axes of analysis and also as part of dynamic environment, where potential users may wish to define their “own” axes of analysis for querying either precise or imprecise facts. In such cases, measured values and facts are characterised by descriptive values drawn from a number of dimensions, whereas values of a dimension are organised as hierarchical levels. A solution named H-IFS is presented that allows the representation of flexible hierarchies as part of the dimension structures. An extended multidimensional model named IF-Cube is put forward, which allows the representation of imprecision in facts and dimensions and answering of queries based on imprecise hierarchical preferences. Based on the H-IFS and IF-Cube concepts, a post relational OLAP environment is delivered, the implementation of which is DBMS independent and its performance solely dependent on the underlying DBMS engine

    The notion of H-IFS in data modelling

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    In this paper we revise the context of "value imprecision", as part of an knowledge-based environment We present our approach for including value imprecision as pan of a non-rigid hierarchical structures of organization. This led us to introduce the concept of closure of an Intuitionistic fuzzy set over a universe that has a hierarchical structure. Intuitively, in the closure of this Intuitionistic fuzzy set, the "kind of" relation is taken into account by propagating the degree associated wit an element to its sub-elements in the hierarchy. We introduce the automatic analysis according to concepts defined as part of a knowledge hierarchy in order to guide the query answering as part of an integrated database environment with the aid of hierarchical intuitionistic fuzzy sets

    Flexible hierarchies and fuzzy knowledge-based OLAP

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    The notion of H-IFS -an approach for enhancing query capabilities in Oracle10g

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    Query answering requirements for a knowledge based treatment of user requests led us to introduce the concept of closure of an Intuitionistic fuzzy set over a universe that has a hierarchical structure. We introduce the automatic analysis of queries according to concepts defined as part of a knowledge based hierarchy in order to guide the query answering as part of an integrated database environment with the aid of hierarchical Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, H-IFS. In this paper based on the notion of H-IFS we propose an ad-hoc utility build on top of Oracle10g that allows us to enhance the query capabilities of by providing better and knowledgeable answers to user’s requests. The theoretical aspects as well the practical issues and achieved results are presented throughout the rest of the paper

    Sociological diagnostics of crowdsourcing technology in the practice of regional management

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    The article proposes a methodology for identifying and analyzing the technology of crowdsourcing, examines the main stages of the formation, and analyzes the implementation of crowdsourcing technology into the practice of regional managemen

    Changes in hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties of chernozems under the influence of mineral fertilizers and their aftereffect

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    Soil samples and granulodensimetric fractions isolated from them ((silt particle size less than 1 µm, light fraction (LF) with a density of less than 2 g/cm3 and a fraction of the residues) of ordinary chernozem from experimental fields of the Kamennaya Steppe agricultural landscape of the Voronezh region were studied. The main differences between the variants of the experiment are introducing or stopping mineral fertilizers, and in the aftereffect of irrigation (13 years). There is an increase in the content of LF when using mineral fertilizers, as well as a change in the composition of sizedensity fractionations, expressed in different content of C and N and hydrophobic-hydrophilic components of humus substances (HS) of soils, silt and LF. The irrigation had practically no effect on the hydrophobichydrophilic composition of the initial soils, while the relative content of the hydrophilic components of the silt fraction of the soil increased, and the hydrophilic composition of HS LF decreased. The use of mineral fertilizers led to a significant variation in the degree of hydrophilicity of HS in silt and LF with a smaller change of this indicator for the HS of the soil as a whole. The abolition of fertilizers application, on the contrary, affected the hydrophobichydrophilic composition of the soil as a whole, and the composition of the soil silt and LF. The increase in the proportion of hydrophilic components in the composition of soil HS, as well as in the composition of HS silt and LF occurred simultaneously with an increase in the hydrophobicity of the surface of the solid phase of soil and with an increase in the carbon content in the soil, which indicates the stability of the system as a whole. Since the physical fractions of soils reacted more intensively to changes in the agrogenic load, compared with native soil samples, and changes in their qualitative composition were traced in two versions of the experiment, monitoring of hydrophobic-hydrophilic components of soil and soil granulodensimetric fractions is advisable to monitor and diagnose soil changes during agricultural use

    Changes in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties of the organic matter of the chernozems of the Kamennaya Steppe

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    Soil samples and physical size-density fractions isolated from them (silt particle size less than 1 µm, light fraction (LF) with a density of less than 2 g/cm3 and a fraction of the residue) of ordinary chernozem were studied in three contrasting variants of the experimental fields of the Kamennaya Steppe agrolandscape of the Voronezh region: mowed steppe, long-term permanent bare fallow and permanent corn – the main differences of which are in tillage (cultivated and not cultivated lands) and in the supply/absence of plant residues and root secretions. The LF content changes in the series: “mowed steppe” > “permanent corn” > “permanent bare fallow”, which corresponds to the direction of changes in the total carbon content of the soil and a decrease in the value of the contact angle of wetting (CA) of the surface of the solid phase of the studied chernozems. The determination of the total C and N content revealed the change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the size-density fractions for different land use cases. Chromatographic fractionation of alkaline extractions of humus substances (HS) of chernozem samples and size-density fractions revealed an increase in the degree of hydrophilicity of HS while simultaneously increasing the hydrophobicity of the solid phase surface and the carbon content in the soil. HS of LF of the “mowed steppe” turned out to be by 63% more hydrophilic than HS of LF of “permanent bare fallow” and by 47% more hydrophilic than HS of LF of “permanent corn”. While the hydrophilicity of the HS silt differed by 16 and 27%, respectively. The hydrophilicity of the HS of the original soil in the plot of the “mowed steppe” was by 41% higher than the hydrophilicity of the HS in the soil in the plot of “permanent bare fallow” and by 24% higher than in the soil of the plot of “permanent corn”. In addition, changes in the hydrophilicity of HS of size-density fractions are more intense than the HS of the soil, so the change in the degree of hydrophilicity of HS of size-density fractions is an indicator of soil degradation under different agrogenic pressue

    The Main Modern Trends in the Economy and Society in the Development of Tourism

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    Research aimed to reveal the character of the links between main modern trends in the economy and society and the development of tourism as one of the sectors of the Russian economy, on the one hand, and the type of human activity, on the othe